Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sweet April showers, do spring May flowers...

Hi All!
I've been so bad! It has been OVER a month since I updated the blog. Mea culpa! (This is the part where I offer up the lame excuse that "I've been busy/ I've had a lot going on." Which is true, but still...) The blog is still very much in it's infancy, basically a newborn, if you want to keep using that metaphor. There have only been a few posts, but I'm feeling like I've gotten something good here, or, at the very least, a whole lot of potential. Anyhow, there was a 2 week period where I didn't have school, (during which I had Spring Break, and also a lot of time to work on my art, thanks to my school's enrichment program) and I lost the momentum I had gained with my blog posts. I tried sitting down to my computer and writing several times, but it just wasn't happening. I do plan on blogging about my spring break trip, and will probably do some little "review" posts of the restaurants we ate at while on vacation. And let me tell you, there were some good ones.

In the meantime, here is the past month (March- the present) in a series of pictures of flowers. Enjoy!

A snapshot of a lovely little pink camellia that I took at the Edmondston-Alston house in Charleston, SC. There is actually a great story that goes along with this, but I'll save that for another post. I just love this picture, the flower had just bloomed, so it was 100% perfect, and had the smallest, most delicate petals I have ever seen. It really reminded me exactly of a frosted flower on a cake, and I may or may not have used the word "yummy" to describe it... but actually, I wanted to eat it. It was that pretty.

Another camellia, this time a white one. I took this picture at Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, GA.

the first daffodils of spring!!
I love daffodils. There's just something about them that is so cheerful, and they can instantly brighten up a room and make me smile. They're one of the first signs of spring where I live, and when they pop up at the end of an especially long and brutal winter (like the one we've just had) they always seem to be saying, "Oh! Thank God THAT's over!!" On a side note, there is a hill at the end of my street that is almost completely covered in daffodils in the early spring. We drive by it every day, and it is quite the sight to see!

The rest are pictures I took yesterday while out and about with my dad. We did a little thrifting, and then stopped by Lowe's to check out the garden department. We're really into gardening in my family, especially my dad, who keeps a very impressive vegetable garden- with my help, of course :)
Maybe when we're done planting, I'll do a blog post on our veggie garden! I can't wait to start harvesting fresh tomatoes! We also grow several varieties of lettuce, so we've gotten really spoiled in the summer when it comes to having delicious fresh salads. Adjusting to store-bought produce in the winter is always hard...

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